
Showing posts with the label Bundle

A wonderful bundle of guidance for enduring editorial excellence #Bundle

#Bundle | Grab a career’s worth of advice from a slew of accomplished writers, editors and storytellers. Recently, I posed this question to members of the editing community on Twitter (AKA #edibuddies): “What are some things (beyond basic grammar, usage, or practice) you’ve learned along the way that newer editors may not know?” As always, they selflessly […] to Continue Reading...... Vaccine rollout Ireland Taoiseach insists lsquo nothing has changed rsquo on target of offering 80pc of population a nbsp first Covid #ANbsp | If the Johnson & Johnson one-shot Covid jab is approved tomorrow it will add 600,000 vaccines over April, May and June, the Taoiseach has told the Dáil. read more... Jonathan burlow stacks white narrow bricks for a contemporary home in england #ContemporaryHome |   read more... 11 Best WFH Lunch Recipes to Make in 2021 #LunchRecipes | Find the time to eat lunch in your busy WHF schedule with these eleven quick and easy